

Supplier Information

CBs is proud to be one of Cargill’s leading distributors in North America with the broadest access to Cargill’s full lineup of products servicing the Food and Beverage, Pharmaceutical and Personal Care industries, among others. Our partnership with Cargill is more than a decade old and grows stronger every year thanks to a diligent focus on quickly and efficiently finding the best solution for our customer’s application. The Foodology Team’s food scientists can help troubleshoot your process improvement, we can offer recipe solutions in our test kitchen and our private truck fleet ensures your product arrives when you need it to arrive. Whether your specialty is baking, meat processing, dairy, or any other segment of today’s fast-evolving Food and Beverage industry, Univar Solutions can provide the starch, edible oil, cocoa powder and specialty ingredients from Cargill’s portfolio to improve your products’ process, taste and texture.

Featured ingredients for food and beverage

Cargill’s extensive lineup of products is used in nearly every corner of the Food and Beverage industry. Some of the products Foodology sources include:

  • Starches: Modified, native & functional native; benefits include gelling/thickening and enhanced product stability
  • Maltodextrins: Support bulking and crispiness with mild flavors and low sweetness
  • Lecithins: Emulsifiers with many secondary benefits such as instantizing to improve efficiency and effectiveness in blending operations
  • Edible Oils: Foodology offers an expansive lineup of oils from widely used Canola and Palm oils to highly specialized Sunflower and Coconut oils with many types of flakes and shortenings for whatever your recipe requires
  • Cocoa & Chocolate: Wide variety of powders, chips, chunks, drops and blocks available to deliver the best taste, color and smell for your product
  • Pectins and Specialty Ingredient Blends: Pectins are plant-based ingredients and usage grows year-over-year as customers value their gelling and mouthfeel benefits
  • Sugar Reduction: Access to numerous no-calorie, high-intensity sweeteners such as Stevia, Eversweet and erythritol
  • Sweeteners: Glucose Syrup for brewing, baking and dairy applications